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[操作系统] [分享]拯救Windows XP操作系统假死三招妙计



发表于 2008-5-24 06:24:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
使用Windows XP时间比较长后,有时运行会很不流畅,甚至会不响应鼠标键盘对操作。很多时候是系统的假死。和真正的死机不同,假死完全可以被&quot;救活&quot;。假死的根源在于explorer.exe(整个图形界面的驱动)。既然会假死,那就一定有解决方法,下面就为朋友们介绍一些拯救系统假死的方法。  <br/>   第一招:当使用资源管理器打开新文件夹或用浏览器打开新页面不响应时,用&quot;Win D&quot;或单击快速启动栏的显示桌面按钮,再在桌面上按F5或右键刷新即可。一般刷新3-5次后再把资源管理器或浏览器窗口还原就会恢复正常了。 </p><p>       第二招:这一招很灵,能对付大多数假死的情况。当任务管理器都打不开时,先把光驱弹出之后再弹入(千万不要在光驱里放光盘),鼠标指针旁会出现一个小光盘标志,这时就会唤起系统的知觉,这招可是屡试不爽! </p><p>   第三招:最后的杀手锏,用组合键&quot;Ctrl Alt Del&quot;启动任务管理器,然后在&quot;进程&quot;选项卡中结束explorer.exe,整个桌面只剩一张壁纸,桌面图标和任务栏都没影了,然后在任务管理器的&quot;文件→新建任务&quot;中输入explorer.exe,即可恢复正常。这一招还可释放内存资源,一举两得。 </p><p>   </p><p>   照下面的方法可以明显减少假死可能性: </p><p>   能不用右键菜单的时候就尽量不用,尽量使用热键如用F2重命名、用F5刷新等。Windows MediaPlayer最好不用可视化效果,用了往往会卡机。真想用的话,微粒是最不容易卡机的,建议用&quot;微粒&quot;可视化效果。不要轻易使用内存整理软件,往往会越整理系统速度越慢。如果真想释放系统资源,注销当前用户再重新登录是最好的方式。说了这么多,大家也不妨试试这些方法。 </p><p>
常上飞翔,梦想飞扬!经贸是我家,建设靠大家~ 人们都说:不在大学论坛里灌过水的大学都像是没读过大学~


发表于 2008-5-27 10:58:00 | 只看该作者
第2招屡试不爽! <br/> [em17][em17]
常上飞翔,梦想飞扬!经贸是我家,建设靠大家~ 人们都说:不在大学论坛里灌过水的大学都像是没读过大学~


发表于 2008-9-24 01:09:23 | 只看该作者
常上飞翔,梦想飞扬!经贸是我家,建设靠大家~ 人们都说:不在大学论坛里灌过水的大学都像是没读过大学~


发表于 2008-10-31 09:59:23 | 只看该作者

不关我的事,我给大家讲笑话,What would have been different if Bill Gates was a

1. Their #1 product would be Microsoft Winders

2. Instead of an hourglass icon you'd get an empty beer bottle

3. Occasionally you'd bring up a window that was covered with a hefty bag

4. Dialog boxes would give you the choice of Ahh-ight or Naaaaa

5. Instead of ta-da the opening sound would be dueling banjos

6. The Recycle Bin in Winders'95 would be an outhouse

7. Whenever you pulled up the sound player you'd hear a digitized drunk redneck yelling Freebird!

8. Instead of Start Me Up the Winders'95 theme song would be Achy-Braky Heart

9. PowerPoint would be named ParPawnt

10. Microsoft's programming tools would be Vishul Basic and Bishul C++

11. Winders'95 logo would incorporate the Confederate Flag

12. Microsoft Word would be just that: one word

13. Instead of latte carts we'd have grits carts

14. New Shutdown wav: Y'all come back now, Yah hear?

15. Instead of VP, Microsoft big shots would be called "Cuz"

16. Hardware could be repaired using parts from an old Trans-Am

17. Microsoft Office replaced with Micrasawft Henhouse

18. Four words: Daisy Duke Screen Saver

19. Well, the first thing you know, old Bill's a billionaire

20. Speadsheet software would include examples in inventory dead cars in your front yard

21. Flight Simulator replaced by Tractor Pull Simulator

22. Microsoft CEO: Bubba Gates

23. Instead of asking "where do you want to go today? it's more like Hey mister, can I ketch a ridein the back?

24. Free eraser to erase the scribbble marks off the screen when using the NotePad

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常上飞翔,梦想飞扬!经贸是我家,建设靠大家~ 人们都说:不在大学论坛里灌过水的大学都像是没读过大学~
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